“My goal is to capture the “human experience.” Whether it’s an intimate moment, an expressive gesture or even something funny, it all makes up our humanity and being able to show that is photography’s great gift.”
The Good Stuff…
Places lived: Chicago, Colorado, San Francisco
Years in business: 15
Years in the wedding industry: 19 (!!!)
Number of times published: 100
Early photography background:
-4 years in the MFA program at the Academy of Art
-3 years at the SF Weekly
-5 years as a grip/assistant, studio manager, designer, retoucher, staff photographer, 2nd photographer, Associate photographer, etc etc. (Basically, every job that can be held in every corner of this industry (…often getting yelled at, in the process))
The Great Stuff…
Years married: 10
Wedding Location: Lands End. San Francisco
Dogs’ names: Hank & Murphy
Neighborhoods lived in: Lincoln Park, Wicker Park, Ukrainian Village, Andersonville
Countries visited: 13
Activities we love: Traveling, Biking, Baseball
Date night spot: Little Bad Wolf
The Nerdy Stuff…
Favorite activities: Photography, Music, Painting, Cycling
Favorite record store: Amoeba Records in San Francisco
Favorite bar: Hopleaf
Favorite Music Venue: Great American Music Hall
Favorite pizzeria: Pizz’Amici
Favorite Brewery: HopButcher
Favorite Photographer: Henri Cartier-Bresson
Favorite Cycling route: Sheridan Road up to Milwaukee!